Monday, September 30, 2013

Post #9: Capstones

Capstones. What does that word even mean?  A stone that is shaped like a cap? A captain named Stone? Why is it required to graduate? Isn't an honors diploma enough to appease the education Gods?
I guess not. But, here we are, almost nine weeks into school, and thankfully, everything is starting to fall into place. I have some hours for S.C.O.P.E. (it's like S.H.I.E.L.D., but for CTE education.) and I've made contact with my community member liaison at  the Sparks Police Department. But there is still this hanging, nagging sense that it's not going to be good enough, and I won't be able to catch up and school is starting to feel a little overwhelming.
And I'm only taking one AP class. I have friends that are taking more than three, and I am forever in awe of them. How do they function? If I didn't have TV and knitting time everyday, I would probably go crazy. I specifically chose my classes this year because of that. I get off at 12:30 everyday, and I go home and do homework, and then I have the evenings to do what I want. But this capstone thing just feels like Mjollnir is weighing on my chest.
On the bright side, Hamlet is awesome. Next to Macbeth, Hamlet is my favorite Shakespearean play. Ghosts, madness, Uncle-Dads, and murder most foul. What more could you want in a tragedy? And, it's October! Halloween is coming! It's my favorite holiday. I think this year I am either going to dress up as Wolverine or Captain Kirk. I'm not sure yet. Probably Kirk.

See you on the flip side.


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