Monday, September 16, 2013

Post #5: Easy Assignment?

Your homework this weekend is easy. Find a song that you want to analyze. Easy as pie, right? 
I stared at my collection of CDs, and they stared back. Were The Smiths too pretentious? Was Led Zeppelin a cliché? Flogging Molly might be too... Loud. 
Why is this project so hard? It's one song, that's all. I spent at least an hour looking up and comparing lyrics. I finally narrowed it down to two. Neither of them are Led Zeppelin songs. 
One of them is a Fleet Foxes cover/edit. The song is "False Knight On the Road", which is an old folk song that they re-wrote and recorded for a b-side to their single Mykonos. It's about the Devil, I think. Or at the very least it is about temptation.
The other is a Josh Ritter song off Hello Starling. "Wings" is about change and angels and trains. It would be cool to poetically analyze all of Josh Ritter's songs. I still have all of the work I did freshman year on his other song "Thin Blue Flame". It's about Heaven and angels. 
I think that I had so much trouble with this assignment because it made me reflect on what I listen to. We were supposed to find a song with a meaning we were unsure of. I honestly have too many of those. The Smiths raise questions about the point of our existence, Led Zeppelin underscores the importance of fantasy novels, and Flogging Molly likes to yell about men on ships
With what is currently going on in my life, I realize even more the importance of music in our lives. Whether I am singing the 'Beer-Run' song with my little sister in the car or listening to Luka Bloom tell me I couldn'ta come at a better time while I write, music is important to me and my mom and my little sister. Even though she likes some boy bands that make me want to barf. But then again, I still listen to the Spice Girls, so I guess we're even. 

Live Long And Prosper


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