Thursday, September 26, 2013

Post #8: Thith ith How I am Currently Thpeaking

I got my braces off this morning! On the one hand, I am super excited! Popcorn! Apples! Caramel! Other banned foods! 
But on the other hand, a giant retainer. 
I'm missing a tooth. It's genetic (thanks, mom). So, in addition to the regular clear plastic retainers, I have a separate one with a fake tooth attached. It's awful. The taste alone is enough to make me ill. I have to wear it, or else I look like a gap toothed pirate. 
So, I have a beautiful smile, but I have lisp about fifty times worse than Cindy Brady's. It ith driving me abtholutely crathy. 
Onth again though,  it ith all about perthpective. 
I am very blessed to have a mom who wants me to have nice teeth and I am very lucky to have gotten braces. I have all of my teeth except one, and none of them are misshapen. 
Maybe I can ask the All-Powerful Limbo Stick to use it's great and terrible powers to give me a tooth. There's always Saint Nicholas too, I suppose. 
On different note-
Nathanael over at What A Wonderful Journey (if you're not reading his blog, you should be. He's hilarious) and I read Act One, Scene Three of Hamlet on Wednesday in English. Out loud. To the class. If you're not familiar with the play, this is the scene where Laertes tells his younger sister, Ophelia to "then weigh what loss your honor may sustain,  if with too credent ear you list his songs,  or lose your heart, or your chaste treasure open to his unmaster'd importunity". Translation: Don't have sex with Hamlet. People will think you are a shameless hussy. It's a great scene, and Ophelia tells Laertes to keep it in his own pants and I honestly think that they have a really great sibling relationship. 
I don't know about Nathanael, but reading that scene was definitely a highlight of my week. 

Thigning Off


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