Thursday, November 14, 2013

Post #21: Checking Off The Little Boxes

While I run the risk of sounding like Hermione, I like taking tests. Tests have right answers and wrong answers, unlike my life right now. Tests have no grey area. My life is filled with grey area. My Mom often tells me that I see everything in black and white, and until recently, I didn't agree. But, as always, she's right. I do think in black and white, and in lists and in outlines. I like rules. I like checking off boxes. Mr. Burge says that I need to stop being so concerned with checking off the boxes and be more concerned with doing things that I love and building a platform to use after I graduate. But with colleges and scholarships and school and graduation, I need to think in lists. I have post-it notes everywhere with reminders and things I have to get done. I feel more organized when I have little boxes to check off.
Tests give you a structured view of where you need to improve. They say "Yes! You mastered something" or "No! You need to work on something".  Checking off boxes does the same thing for me.  The little boxes say "Yay! You accomplished something" or "Hey! You need to work on this!"
I want to enjoy life, but I am more concerned with the idea that if it doesn't get done right, it will snowball into something that will be too hard to fix later. I know that I'm going to graduate, and I know I'm going to have an A in English. But everything else is just too hazy to make out.
I am doing things I love. I'm writing, and I'm going to work with our local Police Explorers program. I'm working on my first responder certification. I'm writing a blog twice a week.
I just also love to check off little boxes. I like to feel like I'm getting things done and that I'm accomplishing something.

Signing off from way out on the Eastern side of the State,


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