Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Post #20: Memorization

Hamlet proves himself to be fairly good at memorizing things in Act Two, Scene Two, by reciting a speech he remembers one of the players performing a couple years ago. I'm pretty sure if I were that adept at memorizing things I would never have to study again. Second to Telekinesis/Telepathy, that would be the best superpower ever.
But, I don't, and like everyone else, I have to practice something in order to memorize it. I chose Hamlet's speech in Act Four; Scene Four because I think that it is arguably the most important speech in the play. It demonstrates Hamlet's struggle to prove to himself and to Old Ham that he is capable of avenging Old Ham, and righting the wrongs committed by King Uncle-Dad. It also demonstrates that Hamlet likes to whine and hear himself talk. All Hamlet wants to do is avenge his father and still hasn't, even though the only thing preventing him is his own cowardice. Fortinbras, on the other hand, is leading an army to their deaths over a pice of crappy land.
I love public speaking. I love acting. But I also think I would rather write an analysis and take a test than perform in front of the class. I am still a little self-concious about my lisp, courtesy of my retainer. I know that it's a whole heck of a lot better than it was back in September, but it still plagues me.
And I'm really not sure how to come in costume. I have some black clothes and a sword, but I definitely do not have a suit of sables. I looked through my costume bin, and I did find my ugly holiday sweater. It has gold sequin reindeer prancing about. I did not find anything that resembles something a Danish prince might wear en route to England.
If I were en route to England, it would probably be via airplane, and thus I would wear something warm.
From this point forth, my thoughts be on memorization, or my grade be nothing worth.


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