Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Post #14: The Play's the Thing (Driving Me Crazy)

Today in Mr. Burge's English class, we read some more Hamlet, but we also watched. It's fun to read Hamlet, but no one in the class is too adept at reading AND acting out something they're seeing for the first time. I don't think anyone is adept at that. But today, we watched some of the David Tennant version, much to the excitement of NP,who very much loves Doctor Who. We watched the bit with the "Dumb Show" that came before the actual play. It's quite funny. 
I love Hamlet, don't get me wrong, but I'm ready to move on. I want to read poetry or a novel or something that isn't Hamlet. His craziness is rubbing off and making me crazy! I want to read something that isn't about going nuts, because that seems to be where I'm headed. Senior year is going to be the  end of me! Scholarships, capstones, AP, tests, life, and not enough hours in the day. Yikes. Maybe I caught Senior-itis over the break. 
Hamlet struggles with walking the walk. He has no problem talking the talk, but actually doing things?
Not such a strong point. 
I think as seniors we are all struggling with the motivation to be productive. While we are not plotting to kill our Uncle-Dad's (I hope), we are plotting our graduations and, by extension, our futures. Where are we going to go to college? How are we going to pay for it? Have you got your cap and gown? How are your grades? Have you sold your soul to the All-Powerful Limbo Stick? What would you do for a Klondike bar?
Can we graduate yet?
Après moi, le déluge 


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