Monday, October 7, 2013

Post #12: What Are You Doing Here?

This year, I am taking an Emergency Medical Services class in order to get my CPR and (hopefully) First Responder certification. Last week, we were taking some notes, and a community liaison came in to shoot some footage for a video she was making for the district. She is often at my school, and knows that I'm in the Media department. She looked at me with surprise and said "what are you doing here?"
I looked up from my book. "I'm taking notes."
What are you doing here?
I go to a school full of kids who know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. They're all taking classes centered specifically around those dreams. Unless they are a freshman, it's pretty rare that someone would take classes outside their academy. 
I don't know for sure what I want to do with the rest of my life. I know that I don't really want much to do with video journalism. I entered the media department because I thought it would be a chance to act and write. It was not. And now as I look ahead into the hazy abyss that is my future, I realize that it's okay to have no idea. I'm sixteen. I shouldn't have to have an idea. 
That woman looked down at me and asked me what I was doing there. 
I'll tell you what I was doing. I was doing something that made me happy. I was furthering my education and learning something new. I don't know what I want in the future besides to be happy. I want to write, and I want to read and travel and be a police officer or a paramedic or an English teacher or an actress or I don't know. The pedestal young adults are put on for knowing exactly what they want is so high, that trying to get off is hard. It's a long drop, and changing your mind begins a runaway train of events that even John Reid can't stop. I want to take classes that not only further my education, but enrich me personally. I want to get my First Responder certification because I can. It's something I want. That's it. Yes it could help others, but really, I'm taking it because I wanted to do something different this year. I wanted to take at least one class that was fun.
Life's too short to spend time pleasing someone else.

Many happy returns,


1 comment:

  1. You will find, like I have realized, every day you might ask the question... "What am I going to do with the rest of my life?"
    Hard to hear sometimes, painful to think about, even harder to decide and go forward... i have been counting the days... on my birthday right before I turn 41, I will have lived over 15000 days.... it doesn't seem like much, it doesn't have a fancy number like 20,000! It will be (what I think as a half way point in my life) to me a way of putting a number on the progress of my very small and minute life... one that I can only hope made a difference in someone or something. To get back to the point... be what makes you happy like you said, be something new everyday, be open to all of what life has to offer. Life is like a big board game, sometimes rolling the dice is the hardest thing to do, where a 5 might not get you to where you wanted, but we still play the game... and who knows the next roll might just take you past "GO" and see the other side of the board. and like you said about pleasing someone else... " I roll the dice for myself"!
