Saturday, April 5, 2014

Post #45: Out Among The Stars, $16.25, and Nashville 2.0

I was not disappointed by Out Among The Stars, the new Johnny Cash album. It is not at all like classic Johnny Cash, i.e. "Folsom Prison Blues", "Man In Black", "Ring of Fire", etc. There were some additions made by his son, John Carter Cash, and the CD I bought has an bonus track, a remix of one of the tracks by Elvis Costello. My favorite song off the album is "Baby Ride Easy", a duet with his wife June Carter Cash. The album definitely reflects the time period in which it was recorded (the early 1980's). It reflects that it's 1984, and nobody likes country anymore. But it's still a pretty good album.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier came out yesterday. I am halfway through the comic book, so I haven't seen it yet. I really love Marvel, and I am super excited for the lineup this summer. I really want to see it in 3D, and a new IMAX theater just opened up down the street, so I figured I'd ask my best freind if she would like to go see it with me, but I checked the ticket price first. It's sixteen frelling dollars and twenty-five cents. There are no matinees. I could go see almost THREE movies at the century 14 theater for what it costs to see CA:TWS at the IMAX. But I really do want to see it in IMAX. But $16.25 is an awful lot for a movie. But, Chris Evans in stunning IMAX 3D Hi-Def magic.... That, my friends, sounds like a party.
Last night on PBS was a rerun of Nashville 2.0. The show was about up-and-coming Americana acts, and some already well established acts. They talked about The Avett Brothers and Mumford and Sons. The whole show was mostly about people going back to the roots of country music, and that was all well and good, but what they failed to talk about was the intelligence of some of the songs. I am not a huge fan of country music. In my car there will be no country music radio stations ever. But I do like folksy alternative bands, like The Avett Brothers and Mumford and Sons. I like them because A: they sound really good and they have a cool vibe; and B: They write intelligent music. Mumford and Sons wrote a song about East of Eden! Their music is rife with biblical and literary references! I love that. The people they talked to seemed to be astonished that "The mainstream" public liked Mumford and Sons, that it was unprecedented. Well, no, it's not. I think that sometimes the listening public is underestimated in their ability to appreciate things. It wasn't unprecedented when the general public loved The Avengers, because it was a well written, well directed, and well put together movie, in addition to having serious destruction and the fabulous Chris Evans, and I think that's how it is with music. I like The Avett Brothers because they write well, they sing well, and their music is well put together.
"One little song, give me the strength to leave the sad and the wrong, bury safely in the past where I've been living, alive but unforgiving." - "Souls Like The Wheels"

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