Monday, January 27, 2014

Post #34: Learning It All Vs. Knowing It All

AP is a challenging course, and I love that. I thought I knew Hamlet, and I thought that it was too easy, only to discover I really had no idea how funny and weird and powerful it really was until I got to discuss and read it with my peers. And also with a ton of help from Mr. Burge.
Poetry has never been my strong suit, and I really would love to feed the Perrine's book to The Crusher from that BBC show The Life Laundry. I'll admit, sometimes I consult the interwebs for help. I'm not above having someone explain it to me. The minute I say that I know and understand  it all and that it's too easy is the minute I stop learning. And I almost let that happen with Hamlet. I never ever want to be a know-it-all, literally or figuratively because then I'll never learn anything new. Learning is one the few things in life that I could never possibly tire of. I want to learn as much as I possibly can in my time here in this life, and even then it could never be enough. I want to learn about poetry and writing and I want to learn new knitting stitches and I want to learn how to do coin tricks and tie knots. I want to know more about science and physics and how dishwashers work. One of my favorite school memories is of my Uncle explaining how airplanes get off the ground (it's not magic, in case you were wondering) and the concepts of balance in regards to weight when I was seven. Up until then I just figured airplanes were magic. But, with help from someone, my life was enriched and I learned something new. Granted, I'm a little fuzzy on how airplanes work now, but what matters is that someone was willing to explain something to me. Someone cared enough about me to make help me become a little wiser. I have been blessed to be around people who want me to learn and encouraged me to ask questions and were willing to explain things. They helped me to see that knowledge is power, but learning is just as important, if not more so.
As long as we learn something every day, and contribute our views and ideas, our future is bright.
"And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you, because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it." -Roald Dahl

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