Thursday, January 16, 2014

Post #32: The Return

Welcome back! This is my last semester in high school, and holy cow I'm going to graduate in six months. Six months and I'm going to walk across the stage. Six months and I'm done. Wow. And then off to college. And it's 2014!
Mr. Burge definitely dove right into poetry. I wasn't too thrilled to begin with, mostly because I had mixed up my binders this morning, but then once we got started, I got into it. I actually like analyzing poetry, when it comes down to it. And at this point, I'm glad to just be analyzing things. I got a little bored over break, so I wrote an informal thematic analysis of Fight Club. But now everything is back in full swing, and one of poems for tonight's reading is "Bright Star" by Keats. I love Keats. He is one of my favorite poets. And also, we read "It Sifts from Leaden Sieves" by Dickinson. I think that it is my new favorite poem. I love the way she metaphorically describes the snow. And sieves are cool kitchen utensils.
I think my favorite Dickinson poem is "There is no Frigate like a Book". It perfectly describes why books are so wonderful.
Capstone update!
We were supposed to start the EMR course in mid-February, but instead we started on Wednesday! I am really excited to be taking this class, and I'm even more excited that it counts for my capstone project too. Paramedic has become a serious career possibility for me, and might even trump police officer.
Happy no more 2013!

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