Sunday, December 22, 2013

Post # 30: The Hiatus

It's winter break! Yay! The semester is over and I have three weeks to devote to things that are not school! I'm over whatever illness that crawled up from the depths of Hades to plague me, and my mom is going to make peanut butter cookies tonight!
Because it's break, we aren't required to post anything, but I'm still going to. That way, when my blog becomes all sorts of popular, there won't be this big three week gap between posts. And also, I like working on this blog. It's fun.
I knit, in case you didn't know that, or you forgot. So, of course everyone this year got a hat. I made the LilSis a One Direction hat, I made my Grandma a spiral eyelet hat, and I made my Mom a Bert and Ernie hat. One side has Bert, the other has Ernie. It turned out pretty fabulous. I knitted my best friend a hat to match the fingerless gloves I made her for her birthday. Right now I'm working on a pair of fingerless gloves for my Grandma. They will match her hat, once I'm done.

Also-I went and saw Catching Fire. It was exceptionally well done, and really great and I don't want to see it again anytime soon. It was too emotionally taxing for me to call it "enjoyable". I enjoyed seeing Thor. I enjoy Colin Farrell movies. I sat curled up in my seat hoping we were nearing the end of the two-and-a-half hours so I could stand in the sun and do something mindless during CF. Even the comic relief wasn't enough to relieve the tension. The PTSD-filled brutality of it was too much for my chest to handle. But it followed the book really well!

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