Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Post #28: Is It Really So Strange?

I love The Smiths. I love them with almost every fiber of my being. I didn't always, though. At age eleven, I thought Morrissey was the biggest whiner on the planet. Seriously, get over yourself. You don't have a girlfriend because you are a whiner.
Fast forward two years. As soon as I hit high school, it all made sense. Throw my homework onto the fire? Sounds like a plan! Their music was the story of my life! Not really, but misery loves company. If I wasn't a happy camper, Morrissey totally understood. Why do I smile at people I'd rather kick in the eye? Morrissey never had an answer, but he sure did know about what a suckfest life can be. And he knew the importance of being intelligent and clever. "There's more to life than books, you know, but not much more" he says in "Handsome Devil", and being the girl who would live in the library if she could, I couldn't agree more. And their album and single covers featured the likes of James Dean (from East of Eden!) and Elvis. And if there is anyone I could possibly love more than The Smiths, it's The Big 'E'.  And the Smiths loved the King too. There's a cover of "His Latest Flame" on Rank.
Morrissey is almost always sad on the Smiths albums, but now again there is a song that has a glimmer of hope. Songs like "Ask" and "I Won't Share You". They're both a little bleak, but hopeful all the same.
For our song project in English a couple months ago, I seriously considered bringing a Smiths song. I decided on Josh Ritter, but it was pretty close.
Josh Ritter is almost a complete 180 from The Smiths. He has some sad songs, but most of his songs are hopeful about love. Even his angry post-divorce album has some hopeful songs about love. He sings about love that seems pure and innocent and complicated and confusing all at once, and I think that's what real love is. Complicated, but wonderful and pure. And not just love toward a significant other. Love toward all things in life is that way.
My love for The Smiths is that way. Complicated sometimes, but always wonderful.
"No it's not like any other love, this one is different because it's us." - "Hand In Glove"

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