Saturday, October 4, 2014

Post #65: 20th Century Foxes, Radio, and The Return of the Amazon

It's October! Yay! That means it's time for Halloween! This year, I'm going as She-Ra, Princess of Power! It's going to be rad. Halloween is my favorite. It's been getting cooler, so I've been wearing the fun stuff I knitted over the summer including my cute fox hood! I named the pattern "20th Century Fox" after The Doors' song.

But apparently it's still warm enough for shower shoes. But it's cold enough for Uggs as well. I don't really understand that.
School is in full swing, and my favorite class is (surprise, surprise) Intro to Criminal Justice. I love it. I get up on Mondays (and Wednesdays and Fridays) looking forward to taking notes in CJ. And also what's going to be on TV that night. It is really the only class that I genuinely enjoy. I am also really enjoying my DJ position for Wolf Pack Radio. If you want to listen to my show (which you totally do) it's on Wednesdays from 1:00pm to 2:00pm on and it's awesome.
Gracepoint started, and I am totally sucked in. WHODUNNIT?! I can't wait to find out. I never watched Broadchurch, so it's all new to me.
I ordered some CDs from Amazon, and I think they read my blog, so this time they sent envelopes instead of folded boxes.  I ordered Bringing In The Darlings, a Josh Ritter EP; Upside Down Mountain, the new album from Conor Oberst; Shangri-La, Jake Bugg's latest; and Big Lizard In My Backyard, The Dead Milkmen's first. My favorite songs are "Make Me Down" (Darlings), "You Are Your Mother's Child" (Mountain), "Storm Passes Away" and "Me and You" (Shangri-La), and "Gorilla Girl" (Lizard).  I also found an album by Drake Bell (remember him?) at the library. It was surprisingly wonderful. The cover of "Sunny Afternoon" is great.
"What a thing to be a witness to the sunshine, what a dream to just be walking on the ground." - Conor Oberst

1 comment:

  1. Going to see Josh on October 11th here in denver! We are also going to a song writing class before the concert... Josh is going to be one of the artist teaching the class!
