Thursday, August 28, 2014

Post # 62: Shower Shoes, Raising hands, and Italians

So I've started at UNR, and I managed to find my classes okay, and I'm doing pretty okay. I can't believe how many kids and teachers wear shower shoes on campus! I wore my super-industrial tac-lites on Tuesday and my feet were still killing me. And those are like military grade shoes. I don't understand how their feet haven't just fallen off like those terrifying dolls.  I need to pick up a pedometer so I can see how much I'm walking. Because it's definitely a ton. And I'm definitely not the only one thrilled about the lack of dress code rules. I've seen some... Things.
My classes are okay. They aren't anything spectacular, but they aren't terrible either. Math is, well, math, and my English teacher tried to tell me that police stations aren't places and thus I can't use them in my research paper. I'm pretty positive that Police Stations are places. They occupy space on a geographical plane. You can go there. But, maybe I'm wrong. Criminal Justice is pretty cool, and my Substance Abuse class seems cool. We have to give up something for the semester in order to understand what it's like to give up an addiction, so I chose cracking my knuckles as my "drug of choice".
Because my financial aid was going to be revoked if I didn't take another class, I signed up for a Political Science class. World politics. I have never been so thankful for Mr. Burge's chat's with me about raising my hand. I tried to listen, to varying degrees of success. I wasn't always great at keeping my hand down, But at least I tried to bring something to the conversation (I hope) rather than screaming extremely political veiwpoints whenever someone disagreed with me. The person in my world politics class excels at sharing their tree-hugging extremist views. Today they decided to share their views on our military. That ended the class conversation pretty quickly. And I think they might spontaneously combust before the semesters out. 
I went to see Sultan Bathery last Friday at The Holland Project, and boy was it awesome! The band is an Italian punk band, and it was one of the best concerts I've been to in a while. It was really intimate, because there were maybe 40 people and the Holland Project is pretty small. It was so much fun! The guys signed my CD, and I got a picture with them, and I bought a shirt. It's pretty cool and I wore it on Monday. The whole album is kick ass, but Mirror is definitely one of my favorites.
"It's great to learn, 'cause knowledge is power!" - Schoolhouse Rock

1 comment:

  1. As I found out very quickly... at UNR there will be the students who are ready to succeed in life and school and then there will be the ones that think it is cool to be seen with the cool kids from whatever high school they went too (they think college is highschool still), lazy, fashionable (Which really isn't... i.e. flip flops, saggy jeans and girls wearing shorts with the g string coming out the top). The first year students unfortunately will be weeded out very quickly... then you will have seen the process of sitting in a class and the prof saying "look to your left... look to your right... one of these people will not finish with you in four years"...
    In a few semesters you will be able to determine which degree people are pursuing based on professionalism in the class room, their attire and how much time they spend in certain study areas. As for discussions in the classroom... it is good to hear them all and leave knowing you have the right ideas and standards! ;)
