Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Post #60: Crafty, Crafty Summer

So this summer, I spent a awful lot of time being crafty. For this week's post, I have the highlights of my craftiness.

These gloves are made from the beautiful Hacho yarn (Colorway 323) I received for Christmas last year. I finally found a pattern I felt would do the beautiful yarn justice. The pattern is Autumnal Mitts. You can find it on Ravelry here.

This is a close-up of the quasi-cable pattern.

Those are my fingers and hands modeling the gloves. The nail polish color is Revlon, "1000 Volts" from the Amazing Spider-Man Collection.

I was on a bit of an Octopus kick over the summer, and made a couple of different things featuring my favorite cephalopods.

This is my school planner for this year. I used Sharpie paint pens. Those things are fabulous!

I also designed a purse featuring another tentacled friend! This was also made using sharpie paint pens.

I did more knitting this summer, and one of my projects was a tiny 'CARE' hat, inspired by the mistake on one of the EMR tests that I took while getting my certification. The answer was SUPPOSED to say "The best care THAT you can provide" but instead said "The best care HAT you can provide". So I provided one.

It says 'CARE' all the way around.

I also knitted a hat to combat what I think is the worst part of traveling by Airplane. Ugly, gross, nappy hair. I knitted it for my trip to Nationals, and I didn't look too bad, even after spending 6 hours on an airplane.

I used Brown Sheep Company's "Cotton & Fleece" in 'Pink Diamond'. It was a wonderfully light cotton with just enough merino wool that I stayed warm on the airplane. The pattern is "Scallop Lace Hat". You can find it on Ravelry here.

This is a close-up of the scallop pattern and a better representation of the color.

Even though it has been too hot to turn on the oven in the shoebox, I have still been working with shrinky dinks.

It's Catbug from Bravest Warriors! I still need to shrink these, but they're going to be earrings when I'm done.

And because it's back to school time, I made a new notebook.

It's Christopher Lowell.

This is the back.

So, those are some of the things I made this summer.

"No matter what people tell you, words and ideas can change the world." - John Keating (Robin Williams), Dead Poets Society

All Photographs by Novel Productions

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