Thursday, May 8, 2014

Post #51: Look, Ma! I'm Not Dead!

I would like to issue a retraction. A couple of posts ago I talked about how sad I was that they cancelled Inspector Lewis. Turns out it got renewed. Yay!
Also: I made an actual A-Team Montage. You can watch it here.
Okay, back to the regularly scheduled blog post.
I'm done with AP! Yay! I took the AP Lit test today, and now I'm done! Woo! That is all I am allowed to say about the AP test, as I have signed my soul away to the College Board and I am not allowed to talk about it. But I'm not dead, so there's that.
I am writing this post really late today. I went to see Buddy Wakefield tonight. There was some miscommunication and when it came down to it, Mr. Wakefield preformed for about 45 minutes. We were the last stop. I have never seen a slam poetry anything, but I was hoping for more than two songs, three poems, and some rambling. But it was good. My mom and I had a good time. I got a poster. I shook Mr. Wakefield's hand and he signed my poster. I got a picture. 
Mr. Wakefield is a bitter person. Brilliant, but bitter. And that's okay. He preformed "Horsehead", "Gandhi's Autobiography", "A Little Diddy Called Happiness" and another song.  My mom and I were one of the only ones to get the pencil puns. Some of the audience members were not so sharp and did not get the point of the puns. I would have liked to hear "Guitar Repair woman, but there is always next time. 
I need to work on finding more positive art. I need more hope in my life. 
"I care to be whole." - Horsehead

1 comment:

  1. D,

    Great stuff... and you are right... after listening to his "Guitar Repair woman" (on youtube) this was one of his best work....
