Sunday, February 2, 2014

Post #36: Self Poet-traits

So, once again, art for a grade comes back to bite me. The only class I've ever gotten a not-so-great grade in was sixth grade art. The side that was art history? No problem. The side that was me imitating the art? Problem. The teacher said that "I failed to follow instructions" When we had to do self portraits, and I did mine Picasso style. There was nothing in the instructions that said it had to look realistic. It just had to be an accurate representation of me. Fast forward a year, and I have signed up for an art class at the rec center. I come prepared with all of the materials and twenty minutes into free-handing circles the instructor comes up to me and says "Your circles aren't roundy-round enough. I instructed you to make round circles." needless to say, I did not take Art For Children II.
I come from a family of creative people. My mom makes jewelry and collages stuff, my grandma paints, and my uncle is a LEGO master and a mixed media artist. I like to knit and collage and write and do artistic things, but in my free time. Sometimes for profit, but usually just for the heck of it. There's a great cliche about how art is "about the process", but it's true. Sometimes my projects take ages, just because I have to think things through. Other times I work on a project just to have something to do with my hands. 
But now,  for English we have to make a self portrait. Based on a poem (hence the post title). So, I've managed to collage and glitter my way through, and hopefully all works out. 
Go Seahawks! 

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