Saturday, June 27, 2015

Post #76: Television, Television, and Steve McQueen

Lo and behold summer has returned and holy triple digits, Batman it is roasty. But hey, Summer TV is on, so at least there's that. Aquarius is still great, and I'm trying to finish Last Ship so I can watch the new season, Graceland is back and Dominion starts next week! Yay! And Dominion has thirteen episodes this season and not six, so it should carry me right into the fall TV season. And on one of my wacky rabbit ear sub-channels, Police Surgeon is on every night! It is honestly the worst show ever made and only got four seasons because Palmolive-Colgate wanted an entire show for just their commenrcials and it's my favorite! Dr. Locke is so handsome and the plot is so corny and it's Canadian and it's awesome. It's perfect for trying to eat a popscicle before it melts and there is nothing else on. The ridiculous plots are so fun and so mindless. Last night this guy was trying to sell an entire attache case of heroin and then on the other episode a guy was in deep with some loan sharks who had the most seventies-tastic mustaches.
Poldark stared on Masterpeice last week, and it's got the exceptionally attractive Aiden Turner as the titular character and there is nothing else on so it's great. Crimson Field, which is on after Poldark is legitemately fantastic, and it's got some Downton peeps and Hermione Norris from MI-5, and some cute doctors. But it is really good, even if there is nothing else on.
Since there is nothing on TV (besides Police Surgeon) I've been watching Route 66. I scored the first two seasons on Ebay for $25 (yay!) and I love it. Martin Milner and George Maharis are swell, as Tod and Buz, repectively. The trouble those two boys get into in that Corvette is so entertaining, and sometimes still really relevant and poignant. There's even an episode set in Reno, NV ("Like a Motherless Child", S1Ep20). It Features the Mapes Casino, located at N. Virginia st and First Street, which was demolished in 2000. Someday I'm going to do an ultimate road trip and visit all the cities Tod and Buz (and later Linc, played by Glenn Corbett) visited. Probably not in a Corvette, but that's ok.
This week, my new favorite thing ever is Steve McQueen. I watched Bullitt and The Blob, and I've got six more of his movies sitting in my stack. I know this is a total cliche, but that man is cool. Super dead, but still super cool. I have never seen a man look so good in a cardigan as he does in the red one in Bullitt. I'm going to make one for myself. It's beautiful, even in that wacky burgundy red color. And The Blob is the greatest, shlockiest movie I have ever seen. And I love that even at 27, he looked like a teenager, and his girlfriend looked 35.  Everything about that movie is magic.
"Time starts now" - Bullitt

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