Monday, June 16, 2014

Post #56: Graduation, Moths, and My Two Dads

So, I finally graduated this past weekend, and the whole weekend was a mixed bag of happiness, sleep deprivation and family encounters. 
Graduation itself was pretty awesome. I got to walk with the girl I have sat next to in most of my classes for the past four years, which was rad, and I managed not to straight up bawl. I teared up, but I didn't cry. I didn't fall down the stairs, and I got lots of hugs, about half of which I would have normally felt were awkward/inappropriate.
Safe and sober was really fun, and I came home with a tatoo. A henna tatoo, but a tatoo nonetheless. I stayed up the whole time, but by about 3:30 am, I was not doing super great. I got home about 5:30am, took a shower, and then slept for six hours. And then it was party time. 
My mom's best friend very graciously held the party at her house, and that part was awesome! She always puts on a fabulous party, and this time was no exception. And then guests arrived. 
I'm not super familiar with the show My Two Dads, but the premise is basically that this girl's mom dies and she goes to live with two guys, both of whom were the mom's partners, and one of whom is the girl's dad. They both take on parenting roles, and we learn stuff about the human condition.  My situation is a little bit different.  I know which one is my dad, I'm just not on super great terms with either one. Niether is a big part of my life either due to distance or general deadbeat behavior. One of them was invited as a courtesy, and in a matter of minutes, managed to make everyone else in 
attendance uncomfortable. The other was just... There. The courtesy invitee managed to leave without saying good bye to me, which is astounding considering I was gone for 30 seconds to walk someone to their car, and he managed to hug people (which was a little inappropriate) before leaving. 
So, that happened. 
I don't know if it's just my geographical location or what, but there a a gajillion moths everywhere. I like moths, but they are a nuisance! So, I've been trying to catch them and put them outside. I have been pretty sucessful, and when I realease them, I encourage them to go home. Just not my home. I also like to quote the great Jake Blues and tell them "you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here." They need to find places other than my lamp to hang out. 
"Decide what to be, and go be it." - The Avett Brothers

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