Saturday, January 24, 2015

Post #71: Criminal Justice, Grantchester, and Getting Fired?

Wow! The past month got away from me, I've been having internet issues, I'm lazy, etc., etc. Okay there are some excuses for why I haven't been blogging. Although, I really have been having internet problems.
School has started back up and my class lineup this semester is a little better than last semester's. I have Anthropology, Core Humanities (which is essentially history and English rolled into one existential package),  Spanish, Creative Writing, and Criminal Justice.
Apparently I am the only person in my CJ class that spent a lot of time over winter break thinking about Criminal Justice, in particular, what exactly Tsarnaev's lawyers were trying to accomplish by filing pretrial motions that wouldn't really do anything besides buy time. Because seriously, no matter where you move the trial, unless you find 12 people who have recently woken up from a coma, you aren't going to find a wholly unbiased jury that's unfamiliar with the case.
I got some strange looks from my classmates. "I spent a lot of time thinking about this!" I said. "I just worked over break." some girl behind me said. I bet she's allowed to watch cop shows in her living room.
I'm not allowed to watch cop shows in the living room, especially CSI, because I sit and mutter about how wrong everything is. You can't just punch something into CODIS and have it spit something back out in 30 seconds. Or I get excited when something happens that I learned about. Last night while watching Backstrom (which is pretty good, actually.), I got excited because one of the people got charged with first degree murder under the Felony Murder rule, which says that if someone dies while you are committing a felony, even if it's not necessarily your fault, you get charged with first degree murder, i.e. if you rob a bank and the teller has a heart attack and dies, or your partner shoots them and they die, it really sucks to be you. Also, please don't commit felonies.
In other TV related news, Downton Abbey is back (yay!) and after Downton is Grantchester! Grantchester has the very cute James Norton, who was on Death Comes to Pemberly a couple of months back. It's a great show. I like solving mysteries!
And now some bad news. I got fired, sort of, from my DJ position at Wolf Pack Radio. But so did 3/4 of all the rest of the DJ's, I think. I say sort of because I am welcome to "help [with] producing programming" but that sounds like a nice way of saying 'come and watch other people do the job you've been turned down for'. I am upset! I am some other things, too, including aware of what libel charges look like.
Because of some agreement with some other "real" radio station, WPR has gone from 60 hours of open studio time per week to 15. There is no Desultory Radio Hour this semester. I'm waiting to see what happens next year. I'm really disappointed. I really enjoyed working with WPR, and I had a blast on my show! Hopefully the formatting will change again next semester year and I will come back.
"There are far better things ahead than any we leave behind." - C.S. Lewis