Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Post #68: Thanksgiving, William Shatner, and Career Goals

Wow. November sure got away from me. It's almost time for my favorite holiday, Thanksgiving! Huzzah! Turkey and mayo sandwiches here I come.
 I registered for all my classes for the next semester, and I have one 8am class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But that's okay, because I get to take a creative writing class next semester, too.
There's nothing real big to report here, life's been quiet. Lots of school. It's been cold. I always forget how cold it gets, and then November rolls around, and I wake up, and it's sub-freezing outside. BRRR! I wore the mittens I made today, but I was still cold and miserable. 
I've been working on Christmas gifts for my family and friends, and I gave my mom the sweater I knitted her for her birthday last week. It turned out fabulous.
Over the weekend, I went to our local Comic-Con with my sister, and among other things, I talked to William Shatner (and a room of 500+ people) about my desire to be a police officer. I asked William Shatner if people had told him stories about being inspired to pursue careers in science, technology, and aeronautics because of Star Trek the way Adam-12 inspired me to explore criminal justice. He asked what I wanted to do, and I said I'd like to be a cop, and he asked why. I hmmed and hawed for a few seconds, and then I admitted that I had a politically correct answer and an honest answer. He asked for the honest answer and I said (with an awful lot of pride and confidence I might add) that being a police officer was the closest I was going to get to joining the justice league, and I obviously can't be Dick Grayson (which, along with being in a movie where I get to be Matt Damon's kid, and being a princess, is my life goal), I can sure be a cop, and that's the next best thing.
I was answered by uproarious applause and cheering. I have never received such positive reinforcement for saying I want to be a cop. An older gentleman came up to me and said "I was a cop for 35 years, and you know who inspired me? The Lone Ranger," Usually people ask me why I don't want to be a lawyer. On person has even asked me what I'm going to do when I get  *miming kicking*  out of the police academy. This really happened. But on Saturday, that did not happen. No one assumed I wouldn't even make it through the academy, or if they did, they did not say it to my face. They just cheered. Everyone should have that happen at least once when they share their goals. It's nice to know people are with you, and not doubting you. (Mom, you don't count. You're my mom. Sorry)
Shatner ended up telling us all what inspired him to be an actor, which wasn't what I asked, but that's okay. I also won art from Jimmie Robinson with writing from Steven Grant! I'm really excited about that.
Because thanksgiving is on Thursday, I'd like to take a moment to say I am thankful for my family, my friends, and those who are on the front lines keeping us safe. This includes veterans  and those currently serving, fire fighters, EMTs and paramedics,  and police officers. We often forget how important they are until we need their services.
"If you're worried and you can't sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep, and you'll fall asleep counting your blessings." - Count Your Blessings

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Post #67: Fun-sized Post

Today's post is fun-sized, because I am trying to finish up some English homework. Hopefully there will be a full-sized post later in the week.
Where did the year go? It's November all of a sudden, and I'm not sure how I feel about that.
My Halloween was swell. I settled on Black Canary, and no one got it, so there's that. But I had fun dressing up, so that's all that counts.

I also discovered that there is a spanish version of "The Monster Mash"

"When you stop doing things for fun, you might as well be dead." - Ernest Hemingway